Still, trying to figure out how you can level up the 0n-page SEO game of your business website? Well, on-page SEO or on-page Search Engine Optimization plays a huge role in bringing traffic to your website. Besides the other primary requirements of graphic designing, content planning, and others, on-page SEO becomes more important. Therefore, to make your understanding and work with SEO easier, ITECH Technology Services is here with an on-page SEO guide. However, let us first get an overview of SEO.

On-page SEO

What is On-page SEO?

What is on-page SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is a practice to improve website traffic. Moreover, having a proper on-page SEO enables your website to rank on search engines. This helps you to bring organic traffic to the website which is important. Furthermore, a proper on-page SEO is important to abide by the search engine algorithms. These enable your website to reach the targeted audience and increase the engagement rate.

An updated on-page SEO guide for 2021

On-page SEO guide 2021

On-page SEO guide 2021

Here we are with an updated guide about on-page SEO to help you elevate your business website. Below are the points that should be adhered to while you upload your next content on your site.

  • Outbound links:

These links directly lead to some other specific website or webpage. In this way, determining the useful contents becomes easier. People gain trust in your website which automatically brings in traffic.

  • Internal links:

These are used by website users to hyperlink the webpage with any related resource. These enable google to rank your website. Moreover, it increases the usefulness of your content.

  •   Keyphrase in the introduction:

This ensures that you have put your focus keyphrase in the first paragraph of your content. The use of the focus keyphrase in the first sentence of the introduction makes the topic clear to the reader.      

  • Keyphrase length:

The length of the keyphrase matters a lot. Make sure to keep the length of the keyphrase short. Mostly, it is preferred that the length of the keyphrase should be within four words. This is the typical limit but it also depends on the length of the content.

  • Keyphrase density:

Keyphrase density is the number of times the keyword is used in the content. The content should have a 5 percent keyphrase density. These help the reader to understand your content and increase readability.

  • Keyphrase in meta description:

Maintaining a meta description can be very profitable. Including the keyphrase in the meta description helps the users to judge the subject matter and the importance of your content.

  • Meta description length:

Meta description has a limited length. The maximum length of the meta description is up to 160 characters. Here, you just have to write an overview of your content.

  • Previously used keyphrase:

Make sure that the keyphrase that you are willing to use in your content is authentic. This means the keyphrase should not have been used previously in other contents.

  • Keyphrase in subheading:

Some of the subheadings in the contents should also contain the keyphrase. This specifies the subject matter of the content and makes it meaningful. 

  • Image alt attributes:

Images are always important. Moreover, images help the users to get some visuals related to your content. Also, giving image alt attributes improves the SEO of the content and makes it more trustworthy, and adds value to it.

  • Text length:

The more you write, the more you engage. In order to have high engagement content make sure that your text length is 300 words or more. Otherwise, the minimum text length allowed is 300 words.

  • Keyphrase in the title:

Keyphrase is an important part of the content. It happens to define the content. Thus, putting the keyphrase in the title of the content specifies what the content is about. Moreover, it helps the user to find your article on search engines.

  • SEO title width:

SEO title refers to the title of your content. Maintaining the width of the title enables the user to read the entire title when searched on the search engines. Short SEO title width is easier to read and understood by the users. 

  • Keyphrase in slug:

Using the focus keyphrase in the slug keeps a check on the content for good. It checks whether the keyphrase is used in the URL of the content and how it is used. 

Importance of on-page SEO

Importance of On-page SEO

Importance of On-page SEO

Whenever searching on the internet, we always put the keywords on the search engine for getting the desired results. This is where getting all the requirements done for SEO helps you to improve the visibility of your business. Furthermore, you get to rank your website among others in search engines. Moreover, the correct keywords or the keyphrases enable users to reach your site. On-page SEO also requires certain strategies that enable the website to do better online. Search engine optimization is essential for every website to improve its visibility and perform better. The importance of on-page search engine optimization is never-ending. It prioritizes your website on search engines. It performs an in-depth analysis of the website and enables your website to perform well according to the Google algorithms.

Moreover, on-page SEO is one of the most important parts of digital marketing strategy. If you want a high ROI of your website then you should maintain on-page SEO. Furthermore, on-page SEO is a long-term benefit strategy that happens to give great results. Maintaining on-page SEO helps to generate revenue. However, coming to the revenue part later, on-page SEO brings in traffic. A well-maintained website gets the most engagement and reaches with the help of on-page SEO. Thus, it creates a good impression on the audiences due to which they engage more with the contents. In this way, the website gets more traffic. The best part is that you can generate leads and convert these leads into potential customers.

How ITECH Technology Services ensures SEO?

ITECH Technology Services ensures high-performing on-page SEO for your business website. Our ITECH experts analyze the website to check the current status of the on-page SEO. According to your site’s performance, we suggest SEO strategies upgrade your business website. Moreover, our SEO experts guarantee traffic on your website. This enables you to generate leads and convert them into potential customers. With ITECH Technology, you can make the best use of SEO strategies to scale up your business. Moreover, we ensure high returns of investment on your website with on-page SEO. Making your business a success is our topmost priority. Experience your business at new heights with the expert help of ITECH Technology Services and its on-page SEO strategies.