Social Media

Conversion API and Everything about it!

Digital marketing has taken an important position in businesses. It has helped all kinds of businesses to improve their presence on the digital platform. Apart from search engines, businesses have also been able to acquire a strong presence on social media. Coming along with digital marketing, several big and small businesses have gained potential exposure on social media. Moreover, there are several social media platforms that offer financial opportunities. Among the several, Facebook has always been the most used platform to promote businesses. Furthermore, it provides businesses many opportunities to grow with the help of certain tools. One of such tools is the Conversion API. Today, in this article we will know about Conversion API with other details.

What is the Conversion API?

What is the Conversion API

What is the Conversion API?

Conversion API works as a supportive tool with Facebook pixel. Both Facebook pixel and Conversion API are important tools on Facebook for business purposes. Moreover, both the Facebook pixel and Conversion API are interrelated. However, for the proper functioning of the Facebook pixel, Conversion API is important. While we have discussed everything about a Facebook pixel in our other blog, here we will discuss the Conversion API.

Conversion API is the Facebook tool that helps Facebook pixel to record data on a website. In combination with Facebook pixel, it tracks every other activity occurring on your website. In this way, you get to enhance your website and improve the performance of marketing on Facebook. Thus, it acts as a server-side tool and records all server events. Moreover, it tracks and provides data on all the conversions that your website receives. Nevertheless, it does not depend on the website cookies. Hence, it can easily track the actions with getting affected by the browser settings of the audiences.                                            

Despite being an extra business tool on Facebook, it is as important as the Facebook pixel. It works as a catalyst with Facebook pixel to improve tracking on Facebook. Most importantly, it also improves the performance of Facebook advertisements and helps in its optimization. Let us now look into the other aspects of Conversion API.

How does it work?

How does Conversion API work

How does it work?

Conversion API works parallelly with the Facebook pixel. As for the Facebook pixel, it tracks and records the activity of the users. Also, it measures the events, conversions and tracks the performance of the ads. Moreover, it tracks the endpoints associated with the consumer journey. However, in association with the Facebook pixel, it tracks the data and sends them to Facebook. In this way, you as a website owner will be able to understand every performance of the website. Also, you will be able to get knowledge about the actions and impressions of your audiences on the website. Furthermore, you get an overview of the customer’s interests.

How to set up the Conversion API Facebook?

How to set up the Conversion API Facebook

How to set up?

We are now well aware of the functioning of the conversion API. Here, we will discuss the steps involved in setting it up on Facebook. The steps are as follows.

  • Visit on Events Manager
  • Select Custom Conversions on the left.
  • Click on Create Custom Conversion.
  • Enter the name of the custom conversion.
  • You can add a description, it’s optional.
  • Choose data source
  • Select All URL Traffic as the Conversion event.
  • Choose a standard category for an event that describes your conversion event under Choose a Standard Event for Optimization.
  • Next, set up the URL rules.
  • Click on the box to check. This box is available next to Enter a Conversion Value. However, this step is optional. 
  • Click on create.

Thus, these are the simple steps that you can follow to set up the conversion API successfully on Facebook.

Though Facebook pixel is being said to have been losing importance with time, Conversion API still goes on to support Facebook pixel at all levels. Without it, Facebook pixels will not be able to work efficiently. It requires a supportive server-side tool to track the website-related actions. On the other hand, Conversion API enables the tracking of the events from the server. Moreover, it is a beneficial tool as it records data on the other side of the website as well. Thus, this is all for the Conversion API. Set up conversion API on your Facebook for better results from your Facebook advertisement campaigns.

By |2021-09-17T06:12:36+00:00September 17th, 2021|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Conversion API and Everything about it!

Facebook Pixel

No wonder, social media has made a life-changing impact on our daily lives. Whether it is for our personal use or business purposes, social media has successfully found its way into our lives. Facebook being a major social media platform has provided opportunities to the business in several ways. Starting from engagement to getting potential customers, Facebook has an enormous contribution. Thus, considering all these, Facebook provides several business tools that help all sorts of businesses to grow and prosper. One such important and most used business tool that Facebook provides is the Pixel. Let us now dive further into this.


What is Facebook Pixel?

A Facebook pixel refers to an analytics tool that helps to analyze the potential of advertising for your business. Moreover, it checks what sort of advertisement will benefit the business by running an in-depth analysis of the audience. Also, it tracks the actions of the audiences on the business website. In order to be more precise, Facebook pixel works as a piece of code. This code is put on the business website as a result it gathers the available data on it. Furthermore, the pixel is one tool that tracks all the existing activities on the business website. Also, it takes all the notes of the total conversions that your website receives from Facebook advertisements. Another most important task of the Facebook pixel is to help to perform audience retargeting.

How is Facebook Pixel useful?

By now we hope that you have got an idea about Facebook Pixel. Now let us see the potential uses of pixels to scale up a business website. Below are some important uses of the Facebook pixel.

  • Showing advertisements to suitable audiences:

The audience plays a major role in the success of any ad campaign. First, you have to select the type of audience that you want to target through the advertisements. After this, the Facebook pixel will make the advertisement reach your target audience. Moreover, this will also enable you to get a fresh audience and increase your brand awareness.

  • Increase sales:

Facebook pixel has a great contribution behind bringing in sales on your website. This is achieved by the Facebook pixel present on your website. Moreover, Facebook pixel automatically sets up bidding which boosts the reach of your audience to more audiences. However, it makes the website reach potential audiences that will make some purchases.

  • Measure ad results:

With Facebook pixel, you do not have to do much. Facebook pixel performs analyzes of the advertisements and provides you with the results. Moreover, it monitors the ads to provide you with a better understanding of them. This enables you to get knowledge about which ads are performing better. Also, Facebook pixel shows you what actions are the audiences making on the advertisements.


How does Facebook pixel work?

There is no doubt that Facebook pixel has many uses that will work great in making a business reach success. Now, you might be wondering how exactly it works. Read further to discover the working of a Facebook pixel!

As mentioned earlier, the pixel is a form of code that has to be put on the website. After this, it will track all the ongoing actions on the website. Going into more detail, the Facebook pixel starts working as soon as the cookies are placed and triggered. This allows it to track the users as well as their interactions on the website. Moreover, it works by tracking any kind of interaction from the audience. Such interactions can be recorded both on as well as outside Instagram or Facebook. Furthermore, Pixel records a customer’s actions on the business website and retargets them regarding their preferences.

For example, a customer has left something in the cart without placing an order. Thus, next time whenever she is online on any social media platform, an ad will pop up. This ad will be from the same brand that the customer had visited earlier. Hence, this retargeting the customers is a major task of the Facebook pixel that enables the brands to know what’s going on, on their website. However, apart from just retargeting its customers, Facebook pixels works towards optimization of advertisement, analytics, and tracking.

What are Facebook Pixel actions?

What are Facebook Pixel’s actions?

What are the Facebook actions?

As for Facebook, actions are known as events. Thus, whatever pixel records it tracks are the events that take place on the website. However, there are a total of seventeen standard events. Nevertheless, Facebook allows copy and paste of the codes for these 17 events. Here is the list of the event codes:

  • Add info of payment:

Anyone entering their payment details during checkout on the website.

  • Add to cart:

Anyone adding some product to their cart.

  • Add to wishlist:

Anyone adding some product to their wishlist.

  • Complete registration:

Anyone fills up a registration form, like a subscription form.

  • Contact:

Anyone contacting your business.

  • Customize product:

Anyone selecting a particular color or size of a product on the website.

  • Donate:

Anyone donating something to you on the website.

  • Find location:

Anyone searching the physical location of the business.

  • Initiate checkout:

Anyone initiates the checkout process on the website.

  • Lead:

A person signing up for a trial or is a lead on the website.

  • Purchase:

Anyone completing a purchase on the website.

  • Schedule:

Anyone booking an appointment at the business.

  • Search:

Anyone searching for a product on the website.

  • Start trial:

Anyone signing up to avail free trial of a product.

  • Submit application:

Anyone applying for a product or service like a credit card.

  • Subscribe:

That is anyone who is subscribing to the paid services or products on the website.

  • View content:

Anyone viewing content on a particular page of the website.

How do ITECH Technology Services provide help?

ITECH Technology Services do a great deal of work to utilize Facebook pixel in the most proper manner. Our ITECH experts work limitlessly to improve several businesses online. Moreover, we aim to provide full benefits to each of our clients at any cost. Through Facebook pixel, we effectively track all the records of the website. As for the audiences, their actions are examined after which they are targeted with advertisements. Furthermore, based on the audience demographics the audiences are meant to retarget.

By |2021-09-09T13:14:08+00:00September 9th, 2021|Social Media|Comments Off on Facebook Pixel
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